Hi visitor :)

I'm Alain, a Computer Engineering student @Polimi. I have plenty of nicknames online, carpikes is the one I used most.
If you're wondering why I made this page, well it's cause I've developed an Android app and Google asked me for my website.

About me

I'm passionate about software design, developing and computer security.
I'm a proud Arch Linux user. To be more precise, all of my computers are running it with the cool solarized colorscheme.

My favourite text editor is Vim :)
Have you ever heard of it? I think I could never find a better choice.

Beside nerdy things, I enjoy playing the piano, jogging and taking pseudo-HDR pictures of the sky (here is my Instagram profile).

Contact me

Drop me an email to carpikemail "at" gmail "dot" com.

Here is my twitter profile.

Some links

> GitHub: Carpikes
> Play Store: My apps
> EnergyArt (Old) Website: Here